What's the club about?
The App Development Club is a student-led club that started in 2014. Oregon State University students like yourself, who loved to learn new technologies and apply their knowledge on real world projects, decided to form this club to teach others about the world of app development.
We work on a term-long cycle, where we set the end of each term as a sprint and have members work on their projects at the start, and then present their results at the end. We also ensure educational resources and support are available for any beginner programmers or app developers. These include weekly workshops and a communication center. If you are interested in app development but don't know where to start, you're in the right place!

Who's it for?
The app development club is totally beginner-friendly. Anyone with any skill level is welcome to join as long as they're eager to learn.
>>> print("Hello App Development Club!")
Hello App Development Club!

To help app developers pursue their interests, in this club we treat each term as an agile sprint. At the beginning of the term we encourage members to set goals and objectives for a project to complete during the term. At the end of the term (the week before finals week), we hold a presentation for each group to present their final application.
Throughout the term, you get access to weekly workshops that cover various topics that can be used not only in app development, but also many other aspects in the industry of software development. Concepts include, but are not limited to:
Frontend Development
Backend Development
API (application protocol interface)​
Designing databases
SQL (relational)​
NoSQL (non-relational)
Cloud Computing
Amazon Web Services

Meeting times

Meetings happen weekly typically in the evenings for both in person and online via Zoom. During meetings we have workshops planned on multiple app development topics, most of which will be beginner friendly! Typically they will involve a presentation, followed by a live coding session, and then work time. If there's extra time at the end, it will be spent on Q&A or discussion. To learn more about meetings, please sign up for the club and join our Discord.